05 Aug Good Resume Tips
You have about 30 seconds to impress a potential employer before they decide to move onto the next application?
It is essential that you commit adequate time to get it right in order to present you, your skills, and your experience in the best light.
Evan that you may meet all the required skills necessary to succeed in the job advertised, but if an employer rejects your resume after not seeing anything that grabs them in that first 30 seconds then you’re in trouble.
Avoid these resume traps to make yourself an appealing candidate.
1) You can use the same resume for every job application.
One resume that you dust off and send for every job, no matter how “good,” works even less than a pair of pants labeled “one size fits all.” Resumes need to be tailored for the specific position and company. Don’t use the same resume for every job application.
2) Landing a job is a numbers game…so you need to blanket the earth with your resume.
This is one of the least productive methods to find a job. Sure, if you send enough resumes and wait long enough, then yes, eventually you may get a job offer this way. But few people want to take those kinds of chances and wait that long.
3) Using fancy fonts, pictures, bright colors, and a unique layout will get you noticed.
Always remember that the ability to quickly scan your resume is key. All of the above may get you noticed…but for the wrong reasons. Remember, you only have about 30 seconds, so don’t make the viewer spend 20 of them figuring out how to read your resume.
Getting Started
Before you start writing your resume, think about what you want to do, what image you want to project to your potential employer and how your past experiences relate to your current aspirations.
Remember, an employer is always thinking “why should I speak with this person? How is she/he different from all the other applicants?”
Try writing some of your experiences onto a piece of paper.
Don’t think you have any experience? Then think again! Brainstorm and think carefully about your:
- Education
- Activities
- Interests
- Work experience
- Awards and recognition
- Skills and abilities
In each heading, think, “what did I do?” and write it down.
Once you have all that on paper you should start focusing on bits that are important to the job you are applying for.
Remember a resume’s purpose is to show how well you fit a particular job and isn’t to share your life story.
Write short and concise sentences for each heading. Each sentence should be structured so that it is interesting and compelling, using action verbs at the beginning of each of your sentences.
Here are some features of a great resume.
Be sure to keep this in mind when writing your own. Never let poor resume writing affect your chance of getting a job.
The more targeted a resume is, the greater your chances of getting that interview. Employers want to know exactly what you can do for their company. Tailor each resume to the job you are applying for (it only takes a few sentences to do this). Remove any irrelevant information.
Well Written
A smart, well-written resume instantly makes a positive impression with an employer. Use action words, such as established, implemented, created and streamlined. This will add that extra boost to your story.
Ensure your resume is logical and easy to read. Be consistent with everything, such as spacing, margins, and borders. Emphasize important points with basic text enhancements such as boldness, italics or underlining.
Summarised Qualifications
This is perhaps the most important section in your resume as it outlines your top selling points. Many people will neglect this, missing the opportunity to be noticed. Don’t make this mistake.
The job of the resume is to promote yourself, show your accomplishments, skills, and abilities. Employers want to to see that you can indeed perform the job at hand. Show by letting them know about your experiences and how others have benefited from your productivity.
Do not use abbreviations in place of proper English. It is unprofessional and many are not universally accepted.
No Personal Stuff
Personal information such as height, weight, and marital status is unnecessary and seen as unprofessional.
Grammatically Correct
Poor grammar is the quickest way for your resume to end up in the ‘rejection pile’.
Do not trust your computer’s spell and grammar check. Read every word yourself and have someone you know to proofread your resume.
Spelling mistakes and typos suggest that your standard of work will be of the same poor quality.